Monday, July 4, 2011

will i get into boston university?

im a junior going to be a senior in a month. my freshman gpa was god awful a 2.49 to be exact. sophomore was not that great either a lousy 2.71. but junior year i tried and got a 3.3. i know thats still not great but i attend a really difficult private school in Massachusetts. so that leaves my cumulative to a 2.83. but i know i will get straight a's senior year so hopefully it will boost up to a 3.0 average. my sat score is a 1800 also im middle eastern. what do u think my chances are i know they areslim but what do u think?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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With your GPA and SAT score, your chances are very slim. Retake the SAT to bring that grade up a hundred or two hundred points. Work hard Senior year, make top grapes, and improve you GPA as much as possible