Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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1 :
any damn thing u want lol
2 :
Teaching. Or some kind of work in an art museum. Or maybe with marketing
3 :
either start your own art camp or after school art camp. Or become an art teacher and teach in the school system
4 :
I am not an artist so this is only a guess. I do admire art work however. Commercials, get a job making up brochures for companies, or a job illustrating childrens books, you can teach art, maybe doing painting or whatever type of media you use for art as a sideline. They have people who make art work for their city. Submit a design and explain how your design would enhance thier city. Good Luck to you.
5 :
Teach for a while. Try out being a critic. Put on shows for your students. Follow your heart. Write about your passions in a ledger , then go back and discover your wonderful self in your ledger. There's so much in art about real life, love and strife. Your heart will take you where you need to go. God bless you.
6 :
As far as your degree alone -Almost nothing. There are many thousands of people with graduate degrees in Art from very prestigious universities. They mainly work for free in Museums and Art Galleries. Almost none get paid. For everyone that works there are 20 more waiting tables at Starbucks. It is as bad as being an actor. Now, if you get a doctorate and are a very good scholar/researcher and make yourself a specialist in a useful/interesting area of art, or write a popular book, you will have something going. Now you say you are a very talented artist. So why are you going back to school? Why can’t you be an artist right now? If you need to improve your technique you could do that better by practicing, not going to school. If you have a BS – you have the basics. Now, if you are going to school to learn a technique that you can’t learn on your own – say, advanced computer graphics? – that makes sense, and you have a good potential future. What studios & film companies say over and over again is that they want artists who can learn to use computers. They do not want technicians who don’t know how to draw. If you can draw and paint the human form, animals landscapes – really well – then when you learn to use computer graphics your work will shine and you will be recognized for it. If you hone your techniques to a high order and choose a subject that interests / enlightens people – you will succeed. Most artists who fail (about 99%!) have very poor technical skills and choose to work on something entirely narcissistic – uninteresting to anyone but them. They don’t enlighten anyone about anything – so no one wants to see it or own it. One of my degrees was in engineering yet I can draw and paint better than any artist I’ve ever met. People enjoy my work, and I could sell it – I probably will do that when I retire from the career(s) I’m doing now
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